Thoughts and prayers won’t stop sex trafficking. It takes action!
— Mike Wilson

We're on a mission to kick sex trafficking to the curb! Our focus is to shine a light on sex trafficking, help survivors get back on their feet, and making sure teens stay out of harm's way. We're not just fighting the problem – we're preventing it. Join us in creating a world where sex trafficking is history, communities are watchful, and survivors find the support they deserve!

Our Mission

Who We Are

As an adult, Mike discovered that his sister, Theresa Flores, was a victim of sex trafficking during their childhood. Theresa Flores at age 15, survived for two years as a sex slave in an upper-middle-class Michigan suburb. Unbeknownst to Mike, the men who perpetrated this crime used manipulation including threats of violence against him, her youngest brother in the fifth grade. Theresa kept this secret for 29 years, even from her family.

As Mike grew into adulthood, he carved out a path as a successful businessperson and serial entrepreneur. Fueled by the desire to make a difference, they channeled their inheritance into creating The Wilson Dynasty Foundation, aimed at combating sex trafficking in the United States.

Theresa has collaborated with the U.S. Attorney General’s office, testified before the Senate and House for several states, and is acknowledged as an expert in the field. Her groundbreaking work helped create the "Theresa Flores Law" in Michigan, extending the statute of limitations for trafficked victims.

She is an accomplished author with five published books, including "The Slave Across the Street", and is a sought-after speaker, addressing audiences at TEDx, universities, and law enforcement trainings. Theresa has made numerous appearances on Fox News, The Today Show, MSNBC, CNN, and more.

Our Goal

The Wilson Dynasty Foundation has a vision of a self-sustaining property in the Midwest, spanning 500-1,000 acres, designed and built to generate perpetual revenue streams to be used for rescuing survivors and fighting sex trafficking. Although the project is yet to be built, the vision involves a unique approach, allowing survivors to work and stay on the property while developing essential life skills. The Wilson family, contributing nearly $1 million since the foundation's inception in 2021, will build a regenerative farm to provide organic produce, free-range eggs, raw honey, and pasture-raised meat. The expansive property will host corporate retreats, weddings, and recreational activities such as shooting sports, ATV adventures, and hiking. Revenue will be generated through retreats, weddings, short-term cabin rentals, glamping options, membership fees, and the working farm. All this aligns with the growing trend of agritourism and connecting travelers with the land. The farm-to-table living experience is integrated into the overall guest dining experience, supporting the on-site farm market, and contributing to the foundation's mission of combating sex trafficking.

The SOAP Project

On her worst night after being auctioned off to nearly two dozen men in a dingy, dirty, inner city Detroit motel, Theresa was given a bar of soap and allowed to clean up. Knowing that victims of sex trafficking are rarely left alone except to bathe, Theresa founded SOAP in 2009, and decided to put stickers with the National Human Trafficking Hotline phone number on the bars of soap.  Trained volunteers distribute millions of these bars to hotels and motels. The soap is free-of-charge, along with training to identify and report human trafficking when they see it in their establishments.

SOAP performs outreaches around high-demand events like the Super Bowl, NCAA Final Four, Indy 500, PGA, Kentucky Derby and more. Girls are trucked in as entertainment during these events, and SOAP helps rescue them with the help of law enforcement and sting operations.  

Donate Now

Invest in Change! Thoughts and prayers alone won't stop sex trafficking; it demands immediate action. Your contribution is the key to breaking the chains of sexual slavery, rescuing lives, and protecting the vulnerable. Join us and be part of the solution—invest in a future free from trafficking.